Junior/Adult Training

Junior/Adult Training at Woofs n Scruffs.

Woofs n Scruffs offer a wide range of obedience training. The Junior/Adult foundation course is specially designed to support with basic training of dogs who are a little bit older and have passed the adolescent stage in their development cycle. Our class sizes are limited, so you and your dog can receive hands-on (and paws-on) training. Most importantly, our trainers avoid the use of any kind of harmful techniques, like choke chains, yanking on the lead, shouting or aggression.

So......... whats included.

Junior/Adult training is suitable for any vaccinated dogs over the age of 8 months (dogs below 8 months see Puppy Foundation). During the course we focus on a number of areas including:

Our courses lay the foundation of you and your dog’s training, so you can build on it as they grow.

How long does it last.....

Our Junior/Adult Foundation training costs £105.00 for the whole course. The course is 6 weeks long and runs for 1 hour on the same day at the same time each week. Junior/Adult dogs can attend training with us 1 week after they have received their second set of vaccinations. Kennel cough is not an essential vaccination to attend training, but we do recommend it is received.

So now you know all about our puppy training why not get booked onto a course. You can do this online or by calling one of our centres on
0191 513 0990