Terms and Conditions – Hydrotherapy

Woofs n Scruffs Hydrotherapy Terms and Conditions
Please read all of this important information – it applies to our car park, external areas and the swimming pool area.


It has been explained to me that I may be asked to walk/run/participate in exercises/therapy to motivate my dog and I understand there are trip/slip hazards including other people and dogs present. I have been advised that I should wear suitable non-slip footwear. I will inform Woofs n Scruffs if I am unable/unwilling to participate. I will also inform Woofs n Scruffs if I have any disability or medical condition that limits my ability to participate or puts me at greater risk of injury. I understand that I am responsible for my children’s safety and behaviour whilst they are on the premises and that they should remain under control in the swimming pool area. My children will remain under my close supervision always and in all areas of the centre. I understand that I am responsible for the safety of people/visitors accompanying me whilst at Woofs n Scruffs as they may not be familiar with procedures and hazards that I have been made aware of.

In certain circumstances we may allow customers to enter the pool with their dog. At all times this is at the discretion of the management. Only 1 customer will be allowed in the pool at any given time with the hydrotherapist and the hydrotherapist will remain present at all times. A brief risk assessment will be carried out and signed by the client and their parent if they are under the age of 18. For fun swims the individual must be at least 10 years old to enter the pool with their dog. For Medical swims the individual must be at least 16 years of age and this will only be authorised if the management believes it will not be detrimental to the animal being treated. Having be authorised to enter the pool during one swim does not automatically mean you will be given access on future swims.

Always have a collar and/or harness on your dog and your dog on a lead at all times unless advised by a member of staff. Dogs without collars pose a serious health and safety risk to members of staff, other clients and their dogs. If you are not strong enough or have problems controlling your dog, please ask a member of staff for help. Please take care when entering the reception and other areas of the centre. Your dog may be wonderful with other dogs but not all dogs are. Please remember we have injured dogs on the premises that can feel threatened or could be hurt by normal friendly behaviour. Owners are requested not to feed their dog for at least three hours prior to attending an appointment

I will inform Woofs n Scruffs of any changes to medication, any surgical procedures or changes in veterinary advice affecting my dog. I understand that any of these changes may affect the type and duration of treatment. I will inform Woofs n Scruffs if my dog is receiving treatment elsewhere e.g. physiotherapist, chiropractor, massage therapist, TTouch practitioner, other hydrotherapy centre etc. I will inform Woofs n Scruffs immediately if my dog contracts any infectious or contagious disease (e.g. Kennel Cough). Dogs with infections or contagious conditions, such as ear, eye or skin infections, or suffering from any sickness or diarrhoea will not be swam. Owners are advised to cancel all appointments with at least twenty-four hours notice, until the condition is clear. Normal cancellation conditions apply. Bitches in season will not be able to attend sessions until their season has finished. Cancellation with twenty-four hours notice shall continue to apply.

Physical exercise together with the pressure of water on the chest and abdomen can put more stress on your dog’s cardiac respiratory functions. If there is an undiagnosed cardiac or respiratory condition your dog could be at risk. Whilst all due care will be taken, if your dog has a diagnosed or un-diagnosed spinal condition, there is a possibility their condition could be worsened by hydrotherapy.

If your dog defecates – please clean up and dispose of in the bin at the front of the centre. Ask reception if you need a poo bag or help – We do not mind accidents, however, please use the grassed area at the front of the centre to toilet your dog before their treatment.

Late Arrivals
Up to 15 minutes late – we will start the swim but your dog(s) will be required to leave the pool area to enable the next clients appointment to start punctually.
Over 15 minutes late – we may let the next client start their dog(s) swimming and try to fit you in at the end of their session. However, this may not always be possible and we may not be able to swim your dog(s).
In either case the full charge will apply.
Missed appointments
The full charge will apply.
Cancel/Re-arrange Appointments
We require a minimum of 48 hours notice to cancel or re-arrange appointments otherwise your deposit will become non refundable. You may notify us by telephone, email, Facebook message or by changing your appointment online.

By agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, you give Woofs n Scruffs permission to publish in print, electronic, or video format the likeness or image of you and/or your dog. You release all claims against Woofs n Scruffs with respect to privacy rights, publicity rights, copyright ownership and publication, including any claim for compensation related to use of the materials.

So now you know all, why not get booked into a session. You can do this online or by calling one of our centres on
0191 513 0990